Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thing 21 Other Social Networks Ning

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick

My other network is the MemoNing listed as MEMO under Blogs to the left. I enjoyed doing the Ning thing.  I actually did it the very first thing, when I didn't know what I was doing with 23 Things and got into it by mistake.  It was frustrating then because I didn't have directions.  A lot easier now that I've done all these other Things.  I'm getting anxious to finish #23 so it's hard to stay focused. I like the idea (and practice) of a social network for a target group.  I think MEMO SID one is a good way to get one started and get us stodgy media people up to speed.  As I read other people's comments I discovered I wasn't the only one who felt like a fish out of water doing this. The more one does it, the easier it becomes and of course it all depends on who the audience is. 

I have been a member of WebJunction for a couple years.  Never thought of it as a social networking site.

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